Psychological Obstacles in Sales and Ways to Overcome Them

Mar 25, 2022

What are the most common obstacles to closing a deal? We're all aware of typical perpetrators: creating immediacy, obtaining a hot introduction, vying against lower price points, a highly protracted sales flow, and so on.


Although these can be complex challenges to overcome, you won't have a problem discovering various tried-and-true sales methods to help you get through them. However, several psychological elements tend to hinder B2B sales, and since these are highly natural and established, they may be far tougher to overcome. Indeed, the brain operates in surprising ways. However, knowing some of the underlying psychological influences that frequently stop negotiations can provide insight, allowing us to change our tactics and reduce these obstacles.


These are the three common psychological obstacles in sales and ways to overcome them.


  1. Decision Making Exhaustion

Key research finds that "those who had too many preferences often typically less likely to plan to buy any of it," implying thus "preference, to the sense that it entails centralized decision between options, may become stressful and therefore unproductive." The risks are much higher in getting a big B2B decision to purchase; this effect is magnified.


What to do?


You do not influence the variety of alternatives a potential buyer has in the marketplace. Nevertheless, you have power over how you represent and explain things with them while connecting them. The easier you design this process for them, the higher your odds of preventing analytical fatigue. Remove any needless options from the situation, simplify your approach, and focus on the basics. Prepare and plan so that you can minimize unnecessary inquiries. Keep in mind the less info you stuff into a customer's mind, the further precisely they'll be able to consider your offer.



This hypothesis, commonly known as regret aversion, asserts that individuals will often delay choosing since they fear the later guilt making the incorrect option. Regret is a strong negative feeling, and it can interrupt our mental structures in any situation. This tendency is present in many decision-making, and it is amplified in a B2B buying situation since picking the wrong choice can result in career implications and emotional stress.


What to do?


To avoid expected regret, take every effort possible to reduce the impression that a customer will eventually notice they should have just chosen a different course. That involves presenting your solutions as the right ones for them, varying based on their specific situation and desires. Some salespeople know that blatantly attacking the competitors during a sales cycle is terrible practice; however, there are methods to drop appointments discreetly. An account-based strategy is helpful in this situation since it allows your marketing and sales teams to have a thorough knowledge of the organization you're targeting, enabling you to adapt the demonstration and convey why your product is right for them.


Furthermore, social evidence is essential here. When a consumer sees that others with the same demands have done a deal with you and become satisfied, it reduces the chance of regret aversion. Research studies, customer feedback, and recommendations have a significant impact.



It's the most severe obstacle to customer engagement and sales growth. It's commonly the greatest obstacle to hearing back or establishing a discussion in the first place and obtaining real influence and impact with a B2B decision-maker who perceives you as an outsider dealing in self-interest. It wouldn't support that some individuals hold a stereotypical depiction of salespeople. Sales professionals who can continuously overcome this obstacle have a significant advantage over the competition.


What to do?


There are no tricks in this; trust is earned rather than granted. Building trust begins before you achieve and extends throughout the follow-up process. It cares about the customer's problems and wants and sincerely displays them. What are some excellent strategies for it? Build your reputation by maintaining a professional, proactive, and knowledgeable brand personality. Set up a network of good ties, LinkedIn connections, and recommendations so your profile can speak by itself.


Remember that as difficult as it is to build trust, it is also as easy to destroy. If you use a collaborative approach led by truthfulness above everything, you'll be in the right direction.

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